SUM tool error regarding sapcontrol service When faced with this error, please edit the following file and restart. # File Location /sdt/param/jump_config.txt Edit the last parameter value (/sapstartsrv/httpsconnection) from true to false and execute the step again. IT/SAP 2014.08.04
SUM or JSPM - Validation fails due to mismatch at software features Solution 1. Full backup table .BC_SL_SWFEATURE 2. Delete mismatch entries 3. Re-extract SUM.SAR 4. Run SUM or JSPM Ref. Notes: 1632586 - VALIDATE_QUEUE step in SUM fails due to product mismatch Ref. Notes: 1595918 : JSPM - Validation fails due to mismatch at software features IT/SAP 2013.11.07