Netweaver CE 7.2 Install 중 JAVA IMPORT Error

SAP_BASIS 2011. 6. 10. 09:54

NetWeaver CE 7.2 설치중

JAVA IMPORT Step OCL 관련 에러가 발생


아래는 해결방법(From SDN)


The problem was solved, I has installed the wrong Oracle Client: 

"For SAP NW CE 7.2, this problem appears to be due to the Oracle softwareyou do not have the correct oracle client dvd where the ojdbc6.jar
driver is located. Please install the ojdbc6.jar in your exe directory.
There exists 2 oracle client dvds and you need the one with
ojdbc6.jar. You can check it by extracting ocl10264.sar with sapcar -tvfocl10264.sar.

The correct DVD number should be: *51037577 - ORACLE Client V3

All the informations about the requirements for Release 7.20 are
described in OSS note:

Note 915079 - J2EE on Oracle: Updating the JDBC drivers
As of Version 7.00, the J2EE engine uses only the driver file
ojdbc14.jar. As of Version 7.20 and in 7.02, the J2EE engine uses only
the driver file ojdbc6.jar."

Fabiano Rosa